Ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and pure vanilla extract make this twist on the traditional sugar cookie absolutely irresistible. Ready in less than half an hour,...
These deliciously airy, light and low-fat meringue cookies are the perfect confection for any holiday celebration. Color them with McCormick Food Coloring...
Almonds and white chocolate make a delicious combination in cookies. Bake a batch for a cookie exchange, a holiday cookie platter, tea-time or anytime...
The ginger lover's gingersnaps! Ground ginger and crystallized ginger make this flavor treat. The cookies are crispy on the outside, with a hint of chewiness...
Cinnamon is the star ingredient in this indulgent recipe certain to please one and all. This favorite spice combines with gooey caramel for a truly decadent...
Reinvent the childhood classic gingerbread cookie into a contemporary holiday treat for all ages with Gingerbread Whoopie Pies filled with luscious Lemon...
Twice-baked chocolate cookies are flavored with almond extract and studded with chopped almonds. Enjoy the biscotti like it's done in Italy - dunked into...
Make a quick and easy glaze for cookies by warming canned white frosting in the microwave. Then paint colorful designs on the cookie shapes using Flavor...
For a flavorful, fall-forward twist, use McCormick® Pumpkin Pie Spice along with Pure Vanilla Extract in this deliciously easy variation on the classic...
These cookies, with a pink swirl of peppermint flavored dough, are worth the extra effort. Make the dough ahead and keep it refrigerated until you are...
Mix. Roll. Bake. And share. These crispy Gingerbread Thins make a memorable addition to your Christmas cookie tray. McCormick® gingerbread spice - a convenient...
It's fun and easy to "dress" vanilla sugar cookies as sweet scarecrows by adding shredded wheat "straw hair," a sugar wafer "hat," and a smiling red licorice...
Our busy morning meal solution? Homemade energy bars. The sweet, fruity taste of Blueberry Vanilla Sugar and Spice combined with oats and almonds makes...
Join in on the crinkle cookies hype with this easy red velvet crinkle cookies recipe. The appealing confectioners' sugar crinkles, the deep chocolate red...